Monday, August 11, 2008

Visit with Dad.

We just got in from having dinner with Mom and Dad. They have had a good day. Dad and Mom went walking together. Dad walked about 27 minutes, but then it took about 2 hours to recover. His energy will return, but it will come gradually. He has still been running a low grade temp, but MDA says not to worry about that. We are all a little concerned, but we are going to sit on it right now, and try to trust the Drs. down there. Dad is eating and drinking well. They are starting to slowly wean him off the formula in the feeding tube as he increases his intake through his mouth. He is the same with the breathing, and the stuttering. We love him, and it hurts to see him struggle with this. We believe he will work through this. We hope that some of the breathing issues and spasms are related to the pneumonia and the fluid that is still on the lungs instead of just nerve damage. Pray that if there is an infection or something that the Drs. are missing down there in Houston, that God will make it obvious to them. And of course, encouragement for Mom and Dad. Thanks for your attentiveness to our family in prayer.

In His Grace, JJ


Anonymous said...

Mike and Jan,
No matter how weak and tired you are, it has got to feel better being surrounded by those precious grandkids. We continue to check on your progress through the blog and are glad you are improving. We love you and continue to pray for God's presence and power in your life to be more evident now than ever before.
love, Judy Parish

Anonymous said...

I am glad your home. I keep track of you through your blog and through Linda. Stay strong Boss and I hope you feel better soon.
Love, Kathy