Saturday, August 2, 2008

Staying the night.

Jamie, Clint, Raylee, and Ryder visiting Dad this weekend.

Dad had more shortness of breath today, and at least one more breathing treatment I know of. He told Mom he would stay another night, which was a relief to her. I think he knew it was best as well. Mom said they would see how he does tonight, then get up tomorrow and take it one day at a time. Jamie and her crew have been with Mom and Dad since Friday night, and that has been good support for Mom. Keep praying for the Lord's perfect plan to be revealed. God is good.
In Him, JJ

1 comment:

Travis said...

Mike and Jan,

I just got my first update in a couple of weeks (been in Zambia). I wanted to let y'all know that my Zambian boys and I prayed for Mike on Friday morning, about 9:30am (2:30am Texas time); it was very intense and my boys prayed a very powerful prayer. So I was not suprised that Mike was doing better on Friday morning. I know it's been a rollercoaster since even then. The one thing that the Lord has taught me the past couple of weeks is that He does answer prayer....more than I have ever realized. I know he will answer ours.

You are in my prayers daily,
