Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday Evening

Mom called awhile ago and said Dad got out of the procedure around 3pm. She said all went well. They drained 500 ml off of his left lung. He said he felt a little better right after the procedure, but when he got back to his room, he was still feeling bad. We will keep praying for the Dr.s to have wisdom as they take care of Dad. Mom is so thankful they are in the hospital where Dad's needs can be taken care of immediately. I will let you all know how he is doing tomorrow.
In His Hands, JJ


Unknown said...

I am so glad that we believe in a God of Comfort, a God of Healing, and a God of Sovereignty! I am thankful that you guys rest in that comfort! May God keep your dad and the rest of the family in His Loving Arms right now as he is in the hospital. We will continue to pray for complete and total healing and for God to be glorified in this journey!!!
Love in Christ,
Becca in New Braunfels

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the doctors have found at least part of the problem. I am relieved for Jan that Mike is still in the hospital so he can be treated easily and quickly. We will continue to pray for his recovery and we are looking forward to the day we can make a trip to the ranch for a visit. Our little church continues to pray for Mike and all of you.
Linda Lou and Bubba

Kathy Bergami said...

Finally I have figured out how to use the web site. I have been reading and praying for you Mike and your family since I heard the news. I hope you will get better soon. Sorry I haven't posted anything sooner but I trust Linda has let you guys know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Mike your a strong guy and I know if anybody has the tenacity to get through something like this it is you. Anybody who can put up with me for 20 years can probably do anything. i love you guys and I trust in the loar that he will help you all through these tough times.
Kathy Bergami

Anonymous said...

Jan, I started to leave you a note last night, but waited. I'm so glad I did. The Lord woke me up in the night and whispered, "It's time to pray right now." It was a precious time as He reminded me of Psalm 139 (specifically vs. 10-12 "...Indeed the darkness shall not hide from You. But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You." He reaffimed that He holds Mike in His hands and nothing is a secret to Him. I am so thankful that God is calling so many to pray around the clock for Mike. I knew He must be doing that all over the place, with so many people involved in your lives. What a blessing and privilege to be able to run to the feet of the One Who Heals with our cries. Praise our Holy God, who allows this of us. I thank and praise Him for drawing so many to pray and hold up your arms as you stand in the midst of this battle. I love you so much. We are praying for you and thanking God that He reigns victorious. Nothing can thwart His plan and nothing is too hard for Him.
Love you!

B7 said...

I stand with Judy to attest of God calling hearts to pray for your sweet family at all hours of the day. As I am up in the wee hours of the morning with a newborn baby - it gives me opportunity to lift each of you up in prayer. I join with Paul in Philippians, claiming " You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength." I thank Him this morning for all that He will give you to walk through each second of today. We love each of you soooo much!!! I'm so thankful the procedure went well and we will pray the doctors are able to pinpoint the place of infection to alleviate the rest of his symptoms soon. Love to you all. Amanda, Chris, Ryan, Rebekah, Jacob, & Halle