Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 3 post op.

We are here in Dad's room this morning, waiting for the Dr. to come by.
Last night Dad was the most upbeat we have seen him. Yesterday early evening, Dad was so frustrated about his not being able to drink. He had been dipping the little sponge in some ice water, then swabbing his mouth, then sucking it out with a suction tube (like they have at the dentist office). Well, Mom and I were concerned that he was not sucking it all out, but trying to sneak little drinks. The nurse then confirmed our suspicion because Dad's ng tube showed clear liquid in the catch basin instead of red blood. The nurse had a good talk with him about the seriousness of him swallowing water, even a little bit. He finally gave in and trusted what she was saying. She took all liquids and cups out of his room. When Mom and I came back from dinner, he seemed to have a better attitude about his situation. Please keep praying, because this will be a very difficult thing to deal with, the longer this stretches out. Especially for Mom, when Dad leaves the hospital, Mom will have to be the water police, and that is not a fun roll to be in.
Dr. Roth, just came by, and said things look great. No change, and everything is continuing to improve.
Please pray for Mom today and the days following. I have been here since Sunday with her, and I have to leave today. My 5 children are ready for mommy to come home for awhile, as well as Ray. She will be alone until next Wed., when Tommy and Sue (Dad's twin sister) are coming back to spend the night.
I will continue to update the blog, but they will not be as frequent, since I won't be down here, and seeing him first hand. I will also be updating in between my family's normal crazy household of 5 kids and husband.
I will talk to Mom every day and will try to update at the end of the day, that is my goal. Thank you again to each of you for loving our family and cheering us all on, especially Dad and Mom.
In His Grace, JJ and the whole Team Janszen


Dave and Beth said...

We continue to pray for Mike and the whole family. He must feel like he is in a dessert and there is water all around but he can't have any: just doesn't feel right. Life is hard and he is having his share of hardship during this recovery process and God will give him strength to get through it and each of you. We Love you, Dave and Beth

Kristin said...

Still praying each and every day for all of you! Thank you so much for the updates. Jan, we love you and pray that the Lord will give you great strength and energy in the coming days. Wish we were there to hug you. Please know you are in our thoughts dear friend. Mike, hang in there! We know if anyone can do this, YOU CAN!! We are asking God to provide quick healing and comfort as you wait these days out.
Love, thoughts & prayers to all,
Kristin & Anthony

Anonymous said...

I'm going to transfer my pal to a hospital that likes ex physical therapists.

I'm going to call the nurses station right now and tell 'em the mayor said get the boy some water!!

Things are progressing and this is good.

Keep the news coming even with 5 kids to tend to.

the mayor