Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Good Day

( Just a few hours ago, on Tuesday night.)

Ray, our kids, and I just got back down here to MDA for a quick overnight visit with Mom and Dad. To our surprise, when we arrived, Dad had all his tubes removed except for his feeding tube, which will stay in for several more weeks, and his iv. Also to our surprise they are planning on letting him leave the hospital tomorrow. He will not get to go home to the Ranch, but he will get to go across the sky bridge to stay with Mom in the Rotary House Hotel.

This sounds great, but scary at the same time. All care giving will be upon Mom now. He will not have any iv pain drugs, and still will not be able to drink or swallow anything.

It sounds like after a few days, if all goes well, they may let them go back to the Ranch for awhile. They will have to come back in a week or two for Dad's swallow test.

Dad seems to be feeling ok, but cannot feel any difference in his energy level since his feedings have started.

He has been walking alot the last few days, but is very frustrated about his fatigue. The Dr. told him that this is just part of it, that because of the trauma that his body has been through, that he will feel fatigued. Short spurts of exercise are good, but he must rest as well and let his body heal.

As far as the blood supply problem, we will not know how that is effecting him until he comes back to do the swallow test or if he starts developing symptoms like severe pain in the chest or fever.

Pray for them both as they transition out of the hospital and into the next phase of this journey.

Thank you to all who sent Mom birthday greetings. She had a great day!!

In Him, JJ


Anonymous said...

Happy Happy birthday Jan,

I hope you had a wonderful day !! Mike looks great !! It's auwsome to see him doing so well. Praising GOD for every good report !!!! Love you both....Cindy Collins

Baba said...

Happy Belated Birthday Jan!
I've been on another planet the last couple of days (kind of like WALLE the robot~~:)) so my best wishes come to you a day late!
You are a blessing and it is evident to all of us that the "joy of the Lord is your strength"!
Praying for a great week and for Mike's energy to return fully as the healing progresses.

Anonymous said...

We have seen you wearing the hospital cap and baseball cap. Next picture will be with your cowboy hat as you are riding your tractor again!
You and your family are in our prayers daily.
All our love in HIM!
Deanne Brown Harvey

Unknown said...

What a precious picture!!!! I am sure that visit did wonders for both your dad and mom!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great picture. Mike, it looks like we'll be snow skiing again in Beaver Creek in no time. I can't wait! I wanted you to know that I'm joining with all these others praying for your rapid healing and recovery! Thanks to all of you for keeping us all up to date on your progress. Kyle Mabry

Anonymous said...

Once again, JJ, you've done a marvelous job with your update. We are praying for healing and patience for your dad and love and perseverence for you mom.
"Be strong and of good courage. Be not afraid. For the Lord your God is with you where ever you go." Joshua 1:9
Much, much love,
The Reeveses