Monday, July 21, 2008

The Surgery is a go!!

We met with Dr. Roth (the surgeon) this morning and after talking with him, his assistants, and his nurses, Dad felt a strong leading to go ahead with the surgery. The recovery time will be difficult, but much of what Dad is limited to do will be based on his attitude and his ability to tolerate pain. (Which he has that part licked!!) Physically it will be tough, but the Dr. felt like Dad would do well. The Dr. told us we have a much better chance of curing this cancer if we go ahead with the surgery.
For those that have asked, the surgeon will remove 2/3rds of Dad's esophagus, and 1/3rd of Dad's stomach, then he will pull the rest of the stomach up behind the sternum and reattach it to the remaining part of the esophagus. He will go from the front first, then go in from the back.
We prayed for the Lord to speak through the Dr. this morning, and He used every person that came into the room to talk with us. They all gave the same counsel. We feel good about this and are praying for the surgeon, the equipment, and all the surgical team tomorrow. Pray also for no complications during or after the surgery. Pray for his recovery.
The surgery well begin about 7am on Tuesday, it should last about 6 1/2 hours. Then Dad will go to ICU for the next 12 to 48 hours. If all is well, he will then be moved to a room and stay for the next week to 10 days unless his progress is faster. He will be able to go home after that, but he will be on a J-tube for several more weeks, until the esophagus heals. He will then be able to begin eating again, but it will be small amounts 5 or 6 times a day. No lifting anything over 10 lbs. for awhile. Can't saddle Mom's horse for 3 to 4 months. No mowing for awhile.
I will post updates as they come. We may not know anything until tom, but as the surgical team comes out during surgery to give us updates, I will try to get them posted as soon as possible.
Thank you for praying, JJ and all the Janszen Kids


Kristin said...

We will be praying throughout the day tomorrow and many from our community group will be praying as well. We love you guys! JJ, the updates are so special. Thank you for keeping us posted. We will check periodically. Hugs and kisses to all of you. Give your mommy and daddy big hugs from us.
Kristin & Anthony

Baba said...

Dear Mike, Jan & family,
On our knees here in Keller for all of you and the surgery tomorrow. We know that the Lord will be with you. May you feel His presence and all the prayers that will be going before the Lord on your behalf.
Love & blessings,
Don & Sandy
Psalm 68:28
"Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God, as you have done before."

vneutzler said...

We will be praying on Tuesday and will continue in the days ahead.
We know God will bless anyone who comes in contact with Mike Janszen and his family! You guys have no idea how special you are and how many lives you influence! God is up to something big. Nevertheless....this is painful and I know your hearts ache. We will be loving you on our knees begging the Father for healing for Mike and strength for the whole family!

vneutzler said...

We are praying and will continue to pray in the days ahead. May God do an amazing work in the hearts and lives of everyone who comes in contact with this amazing man and his family. We think the world of you, Mike Janszen! The rest of your family's not bad either! God is up to something big.

On our knees,
Vicki and Larry Neutzler

donnave said...

Tuesday will be spent praying for you, the doctors and the whole family. You will be added to our church prayer list.

Jim & Donnave

Gigi - BB said...

You and yours have been on our prayer list at my church ever since you got your first report. I will pass this information along as well. I feel so blessed to know your family & know that God only has a bigger story to tell through you! Hang tough brother! We are all praying for you and your family!!! Love, Paulette

Anonymous said...

Dear Mike, Jan and family,

Will continue to be in prayer for you tomorrow. You are a very special family and have a special place in my heart. Love, Eunice

Unknown said...

Praying for you guys!!!!!
From Raylee's dance teacher :)

momof4dragons said...

We are praying for your entire family right the surgery is presumably in progress. We love you all. J.J., thank you, again, for the constant updates. Your family is so, very special to us. Love, Claudia