Sunday, June 1, 2008

Week 6, The Last Week!!!

Mom and Dad will be heading back down to Houston Monday afternoon. Dad is FINISHED with chemo, so he will only be doing radiation treatments this last week. Hallelujah!! All the doctors are amazed at how well he has done. His side effects have been kept to a minimum. We can only credit that to all your prayers. Thank you for praying!!!
He is more tired than usual, but tackles that with little naps throughout the day. He and Mom have continued working out 4 times a week, which the Doctors think may also be helping him with his energy level. He in not having anymore choking episodes, and seems to be able to eat more kinds of food. Praise God for that! We hope that is a sign that the tumor is shrinking. He has not lost any weight, and last I heard, had gained a pound!! He also has not lost his hair!! Esther(my 7 yr. old) keeps checking every time she sees Buddy, and keeps asking when it is going to fall out! The worst side effect of the treatments seems to be Dad's nose bleeds. They have continued to get worse and worse over the last week or so. It is almost a continual thing, so you can pray about that for him.
So prayer requests this week:
Thank the Lord for Dad's minimal side effects.
Please pray for Dad's continued strength this week.
Pray also for his nose bleeds.

Pray that the tumor is shrinking.
Pray for continued opportunities for all of us to use this situation to share the good news of Christ, His faithfulness, His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, His glorious resurrection three days later, and His willingness that anyone who might believe on the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved.
Thank you again from all of us in the Janszen Family,
You are loved and appreciated by all of us, especially Mom and Dad,
Thank you again for praying,
JJ and the Janszen Kids

1 comment:

mobriar said...

I enjoyed the Ken suggestion. One year I was Mike Janszen for Halloween at the clinic. Mr. Pete came in and said I had done well with the hair, starched jeans,big belt buckle but I forgot the most important thing to be Mike. I asked what and he said No manure on the boots. I miss ya big guy. Feel better. Everyone asks about ya and is praying for you. Love ya, Tom Morgan