Monday, June 23, 2008

Tough Week.

FIRST OF ALL...... Just a note to those who want to leave a comment but haven't been able to. When you go to leave a message, just sign your name in your message so we know who it is from. When you choose your identity, select anonymous, and that should make it easy so you don't have to sign up for a blogger account. Then just select "publish your comment" Try it and see if it works!! JJ

NEXT...... an update on Dad and Mom. Dad is coughing alot and has run fever on and off. Ray(my husband, and Dad's primary care physician, even though he is an ob/gyn, but it is who Dad has chosen) thinks it may be pneumonia. He had Dad come in for an xray today to take a look at his lungs. Dad also has a bad tooth, which our dentist says he needs a root canal, but doesn't want to touch him until he gets the cough under control and we know what is going on with his lungs.

Dad is frustrated to say the least!! He does not want to feel this way and is tired of all the problems that keep popping up. Please pray he will feel the peace of the Lord in the midst of this. Pray that somehow he can rest in God's faithfulness to him even though he feels lousy. Especially pray for Mom. She, being the closest to him, is feeling the most frustration from Dad.

I want all of you reading this to know that we appreciate each of you walking through this with us. My prayer is that through all of this, Dad's sickness, the pain he and mom are having to endure, and through their testimony, that God would be glorified. I pray that anyone who may be reading this update on Dad, that does not know the Lord as their Savior, would right now stop and realize that each of us are sinners, we all need a Savior, and that One and Only Savior is Jesus Christ. He came, He died, and He rose again for your sins and He lives today. All you need do is trust Him to save you, and He will.
All of us will face death, just as Dad has had to consider these last few months, and Dad is sure of one thing, that whenever he dies, whether soon or hopefully many years from now, he will be with the Lord for all eternity. What a peace, what assurance!!! We want that same peace for each one of you.
We thank you again for praying, and walking with us through this, JJ and All the Janszen Kids


Anonymous said...

I can not tell you how grateful I am for your getting the updates out to all of us. It is wonderful to know the latest and what to pray for.
I have talked with your mom a few times and emailed her. Called tonight to check on her and didn't get an answer.
I am so hopeful that Mike doesn't have pneumonia.
I have enjoyed seeing all of the pictures of all of you. So many wonderful memories of our Keller days.
Please give them a hug from us. We have them on our prayer list at church--our little church close to the ranch.
Take care and again, thanks for keeping all of us up to date.
We love you all,
Linda Lou and Bubba

Jinon Nane' said...

We are praying for you all!
JiƱon (for all the Gaithers)

Anonymous said...

Please let your mom and dad know Jim and Micah pray for them every dad several times. We love you all very much and wish we were closer to help where needed.

Anonymous said...

That should be "day" and not dad.