Tuesday, May 20, 2008

In the Middle of Week 4

(Mom and Dad in Houston getting Chemo this Monday evening.)
(Joy, Dad and Me (JJ), back in March)
This picture was from the first visit we had when we found out Dad had Cancer. Joy sent this to me and I thought I would post it for Ken Smith to see. Ken is an old friend and a ranching buddy who told my Dad to wear his old work clothes and work boots with a little bit of cow manure still on them so the Drs. wouldn't think he had extra money to spend and wouldn't order too many tests. Well Dad did just that, but I am thankful they still ordered the tests and we found out what was going on with him, but thought some of you might enjoy a good laugh. Remember, laughter is good medicine to the bones, hopefully to the esophagus too!!!!
Prayer requests this week: Pray Dad can stay hydrated this week and next. The Dr. told them it is crucial these next two weeks.
Pray for continued strength, Dad is still feeling pretty good.
Praise, Mom and Dad get to have a 3 day weekend at home because of Memorial Day. They are excited about that, and the Dr. said it would not mess up Dad's treatment, they will double up on the radiation on Wed.
Thank you for praying and thank you for loving our family,
We praise God in all of this, JJ and The Janszen Kids

1 comment:

Janis said...

Mike, Jan and family,

Our prayers are with you and your family. Hope you have a blessed Holiday weekend.

Janis Campbell