Friday, April 11, 2008

The Tests are Scheduled at MDA!!!

It is Friday night, and we were out of town for a few days with no internet. A few things have happened since Tues. God has answered prayer by getting Dad's tests scheduled.

On Wed., we were told that MD Anderson would not be able to perform an EUS (endoscopic ultra sound) until April 29th. We all about flipped!! This would possibly put off Dad's treatment, if we went with MD A, for another 3 to 4 weeks. This, we felt, was unacceptable. Mom and Dad called their Dr.s up here to see if they could have some pull down in Houston to speed things up a bit. In the mean time, we went ahead at Huguley and got Dad's CT scan for his markings on where they will aim the radiation treatment at him. On Thursday, the Dr. from MD A called and had gotten the tests scheduled for next Tues., then a Pulmonary test on Wed., and meetings with the Oncologist and Radiation Oncologist on Thurs. They will then head back up to Ft. Worth to have Dad's port put in on Friday. We are praising God that the tests at MDA got moved up to next week.

What we really need prayer for now is that God would work through all these Drs. involved, here and at MDA, that they would be willing to consult and work together for Dad's best, and that no egos would play a part in any decisions made for Dad's care and treatment. Also for mom and Dad, that they would have clear leading and direction as to where to go for Dad's treatment.

One last thing, strength for them both, they are tired from all the coming and going to the Drs. appointments, and now back and forth to Houston again. And Mom has an added struggle, she is in a boot right now, due to a torn achilles tendon. She is pictured above with her boot.

Thank you again for all your prayers. Our family is blessed and humbled by your friendship. JJ, for all the kids

1 comment:

donnave said...

What good news! Our God reigns...we just have to read this blog to see that. Now, for more prayer. You all are loved.