Friday, April 25, 2008

Going to MDA on Monday.

(Dad, this Easter, with one of his granddaughters, Anna Lynn Ford.)
Dad is scheduled to start radiation on Tuesday. They will do some blood work on Monday and then hopefully be able to start that afternoon on the chemo. The nurse told them she thought they should be able to. So that is our prayer. I think Mom and Dad are ready to get started. I am excited to see how Dad does with this. They said they are going to be very aggressive with their treatment because he is such a great candidate for it. I feel like Dad is going to do well. He is mentally tough, and physically as well. He has always excelled in expectations as far as his medical treatments go. He drove himself home from one of his own ortho knee surgeries (not recommended!!!!!), and only about a week and half after he had both knees replaced, he was walking without a walker or crutches and driving around the ranch in the truck (also not recommended!!) He has always been able to handle pain well, but the tiredness may get to him a little. Anyway, we will see, and we will look forward, expectantly, to how he will walk through this.

Phil. 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"

Eph. 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to HIS power, that is at work within us."

To God be the Glory no matter what, JJ and all the Janszen Kids

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike & Jan and all of Team Janszen,

We are keeping you close in our thoughts and in our nightly prayers.

Cancer never had a tougher foe nor one that rides with and for a stronger, more loving God.


Guy, Kamee, & Cate Cumbie
Bar C Bar Ranch