Thursday, December 3, 2009

Please Keep praying!!

We are asking you to pray for divine counsel from MD Anderson Dr.s today, as Dr. Bismar is calling them to seek their advice on what to do.
After a day of testing yesterday, and much waiting, then another xray today, and speaking with the radiologist this morning, then Dr. Bismar this afternoon, we have found out there is something abnormal showing up on the CAT scan, something in the lungs. Bismar is not sure what to do with this, and wants to consult with MDA to see how this might compare to other scans they have done in the past down there.
Please pray for a quick response from the dr.s at MDA, please pray for wisdom beyond their years and training, that can only come from the Holy Spirit. We want to know what to do, what is going to be best for Dad, if he should stay or go.
Pray also for stamina for Mom and Dad as they must endure this.
Thank you,

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