A picture of Joshua and Buddy on the porch having coffee and "mokie" (milk), one morning up at Big Cedar a few weeks ago.
Just a quick update. Dad is doing ok. He seems to be feeling a little better. The antibiotics he was on have helped a little. His cough is a little better, even though he is still coughing, and his tooth is better. He still has much pain when trying to swallow, and is usually worn out after he eats a meal. He has his moments of feeling not so bad, and the pain, when eating, sometimes doesn't seem to be as bad.
This Thursday, he held the monthly men's meeting down at the ranch and did pretty well. He was worn out after it was over, but felt good enough to have it there.
On Saturday, Mom, Dad, and Joy went down for Ryder's (Jamie's little one) birthday party. He was thankful he felt good enough for that as well.
Continue praying for his pain when eating. It is important that he eats to keep his strength up and to build himself up during this time leading up to his surgery. Also pray that he is able to rest at night. He has had a few nights of insomnia lately. Pray also for the lungs and breathing to get better, the cough to diminish, and that he will be well as he approaches this time of surgery.
Thank you agian, praying always, JJ