Thursday, March 3, 2011


Today, Mom and Dad met with the Oncologist here, to discuss the chemo treatment, even though the regimen had been prescribed at MDA, the treatment had to be overseen up here by a local dr. 
Well, we thought it would basically be routine, and he would set us up for chemo starting next Monday, but he suggested other possible treatment options.
Without going into alot of details, Dad is considering all the options. So, tomorrow, they will head to do a another cat scan, and gather more info for the dr.s. Then, all the docs will put their heads together next Tuesday, and meet with Mom and Dad again on Thursday to hopefully make a decision.
I almost didn't even put this on the blog, simply because, it just means more waiting until next week, with no answers, but after talking with mom about it today, we both felt the prayers would be a huge help in this decision making process.
So, please pray for wisdom for the doctors, as they discuss Dad's options, wisdom for mom and dad, when they meet with them next week, and ultimately, that the best course of treatment will be taken.  That there will be no confusion. "That mom and dad will hear a voice behind them saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'"
Thank you again for your support.
We love you,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update J.J. You are all on my mind each day. I will continue to pray. For God's peace, wisdom for the doctors, wisdom for your mom and dad as they are making decisions and healing. We love you guys so much.