Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another update

On April 28th I went in for another ex ray on my shoulder. The doctor still didn't see any bone growth. He wasn't discouraged but I was. He said the only reason that it wouldn't grow bone would be infection or damage to the blood supply. After 2 days of me being down about the finding, the Lord woke me up with the reminder of Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I was encouraged that even though the ex ray didn't show bone growth, that didn't mean God wasn't growing it. And 3 weeks later on May 19th, Dr. Harmon could see bone growth. Thank You Lord. My therapy is progressing and my arm is getting better, but my doctor reminds me that we aren't out of the woods yet. I am limited in using it. My next visit will be in June. Please pray that my body will mend. I'm focussed on Ezekiel 37 now. God brought those dead dry bones back to life and I need Him to do it again.

Mike is doing about the same. Working too much. No change in his weight. We pray for a breakthrough in his ability to gain some. He will have follow up tests at M.D. Anderson in July, a PET Scan and EGD. It's hard to believe it's almost time for a 6 month check. He hasn't had a dilation since Nov. 9th. His episodes of getting food stuck have been few and only momentary. He is learning to eat slower and carefully.
Pray, pray, pray for good results on all his tests. We thank you all for continuing to cover us with your prayers and love.
We love and appreciate all of you.
Jan and Mike
P.S. Mike has become quite the hairdresser. Since my right arm has been hurt, he has learned how to put my hair in a ponytail. It wasn't pretty (or fun) at first, but he has got it down, now. Sometimes I have to go get him off the mower to get it done. Wish I had known he had this talent when our 3 girls were growing up. :)

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