Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mom broke her arm!!

Well it has been awhile since an update, and it has been my mom doing the updating, but.....this is JJ, and I will have to take over for awhile because......
This weekend my mom and dad were riding horses, which is a usual activity, especially if the weather is nice. I received a phone call Saturday evening around 5:15 from Dad. He said he had my mom in the car and they were heading to the hospital. To spare you all the details.... in a nutshell, Mom was thrown from her horse, broke her humerus is several different places, a very bad injury, and had to have surgery Sunday to try and put it back together. She now has a metal plate, 12 screws, and a bone graft in her RIGHT arm!! She is right handed!! She is still in the hospital, but is being released today to go home.
Dad, of course, still needs to eat, and mom is his main supplier of food. This is going to be a challenge to say the least, as Dad will be caring for her, as well as, trying to keep himself going. He is doing well, but still has relied on Mom to keep him on his schedule of eating and pills.
So many people from church have offered to help, so I have been able to line up meals for the next 2 1/2 weeks. Thank you friends for your help!!
We know God is good, and his purposes are always right. We will walk through this knowing that He is right in the midst of it, He will give us all that we need to get through this, and to hopefully learn things along the way. We praise Him that it was her arm, and not her head or something else more severe.
The Dr. gave us a time frame of 3-4 weeks of her not being able to do much of anything, then at six weeks, range of motion returning slowly, then 5-6 months of rehab before she returns to a somewhat normal activity level and function. Yikes!! That sounds like a long time. Please pray for both Mom and Dad as they begin this new journey together. Thanks for reading and caring about our family.
In His grace, JJ Ford


Baba said...

Dear Jan,
It was really nice to get to visit & catch up with you last week.
Now this! My goodness, I wish it wasn't so! (and I just heard you say..."Well, I'm wishing it wasn't so, too!") :)
When I heard about your accident & surgery this week, I began praying His complete healing, daily strength, encouragement and a speedy recovery for you. And will continue to do so daily. If I lived closer, I'd bring you dinner!Instead...I'm sending my well wishes and prayers for you and Mike.

"He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength."
Isaiah 40:29

"It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect."
2 Samuel 22:33
(Praying His mighty arms will give you the strength you need during your recovery!)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of Jan's accident. Hope she is feeling better. Is she wearing a Humeral Fx brace for any external support and protection?
My wife recently broke her fibula. fortunately, it was non-displaced, not requiring surgery. Your family will be in our prayers. Jim Pelletier