Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 9th Latest M.D. Anderson results

Praise the Lord for all His Goodness .....even to those who don't deserve it...especially to those who don't deserve it!!!!
I (Jan, the technically challenged one) am attempting to update you who are interested and praying for us continually.  J.J. has been busy and many of you are calling so this is what we found out.  
Mike had a PET scan and an EGD with biopsy done.  The specialist at MD Anderson we went to see back in May, Dr. Stroehlein, did the procedure.  Mike's esophagus had closed because of scar tissue to smaller than 9 mm (this is why his food keeps getting stuck) and the Dr. dilated it to a 14.
The results of the biopsy and the PET scan were good.  NO CANCER!
The Oncologist said he doesn't need to return until 6 months for another PET scan.
Dr. Stroehlein said he doesn't need another biopsy done in his esophagus for a year.
But he also said that Mike needed to continue having his esophagus dilated until the scar tissue quits forming.
We are scheduled to have another one done Thursday, July 16th by Dr. Bismar at Hugeley here.
This will be #6 dilation. That may sound like a lot, but the record at MDA cancer center for dilations from this same surgery is 22.  So we have a way to go :) Hopefully, he won't reach that. Mike says that he worries about all these procedures making him lose his memory, so I'm telling the doctors to just strap him down and run that instrument in there.  He has always had a high pain tolerance. 
Don't think they will listen to me, so please pray that he will have peace about the anesthetics and that they will not cause him any memory loss. 
Mike still is trying to gain some weight and deal with the life changing effects of this surgery but he is still with us and we are all thankful for that. 
Sometimes I watch Mike and I think this is the real meaning of the phrase "the perseverance of the saints".  I also think about all of you faithful prayer warriors and that same phrase comes to my mind.  Thank you all for persevering with us in this battle. Your prayers, love, support, cards, calls, food, visits and everything you have done over the last year have been amazing.
Our God has been faithful, His mercies are new every morning, and each morning He gives us is a gift.  And when that day comes that He calls us home, we know we will be with Him for all eternity because our faith is in Christ alone to save us because of God's Amazing Grace, especially to those of us who don't deserve it.
Amen and Amen and Amen, Again.
We love you all,
Jan and Mike
 Phillipians 1:3


Baba said...

"Bless our God, O peoples! Give him a thunderous welcome! Didn't he set us on the road to life? Didn't he keep us out of the ditch? He trained us first, passed us like silver through refining fires, Brought us into hardscrabble country, pushed us to our very limit, Road-tested us inside and out, took us to hell and back; Finally he brought us to this well-watered place."
Psalm 66:8-12 (The Message)

Praising with you for the good report from the doctors. Will be praying over your requests and asking the Lord to continue leading you by His blessed Spirit into cleared and level pastureland! Psalm 143:10
Love ya,

Elizabeth Reynolds said...

Don and I adore Dr. Mike Bismar and he will take excellent care of your Mike. We will continue to pray for his complete healing and for the weight to come back as his body requires it. Love you guys so much!

Anonymous said...

Praising God that there is NO cancer!! Thank you all for writing this blog. It has been such an encouragement and blessing to follow. It is such a blessing to get to pray for Mike and his healing. I will continue to pray your requests. And...what a beautiful family photo you guys posted! Oh my goodness those kids are so cute and getting soooo big!!!
Steve and I took Amanda and the kids to Vail for a week. We were hoping you guys were there cooling off! Rebekah Joy said when she gets her "mommie house" it will be up there :)
Take care. We love and miss you so much!

Kristin said...

We are so thankful for this update. Our prayers are with you often and we are praising Him with you at this good news. Still praying also for strength as the recovery continues. Your family is precious. Thank you for keeping us updated.
Much Love,
Kristin & Anthony