Well, honestly I didn't think I would ever post another entry on this blog, but God has other plans and here we are again, with Mom. I will be updating as we walk through this journey with her and trying to keep our friends and family posted on her progress and how to pray. Thank you in advance for walking through this with us. We know you love Mom and can already feel the support of all those lifting her and our family up.
To recap, Mom started feeling sick in the late Fall, between Christmas and New years. After several conversations with the doctors, tests, and blood work, we found out in early January that Mom had AML. She was immediately admitted into Harris Downtown where they began 3.5 weeks of Chemo. After performing several bone marrow biopsies, we found out that one of her mutations was not treatable with chemo, and our only option to beat it was a bone marrow transplant. After much prayer and conversations with the family, Mom felt we were to step into this next treatment, praying all along that if this was not God's plan, that He would block it. So far, He has flung the doors wide open. They did not find a match in Mom's living siblings, but did find a match from someone else in the bone marrow regristry!! She past all her prerequisites with flying colors and they say she is a great candidate for this procedure. We are looking at 100 days of being in Dallas, the first month in the hospital, and the next two months across the street in an apartment complex for medical patients and families that have to be close to the hospital. These are considered the critical days of the transplant process, and then as she progresses, if she is doing well, she can move back home to the ranch.
She will enter the hospital this Tuesday, Aug 24th to begin the process. She will be in Medical City in Dallas and will not be able to receive visitors but can receive mail and I will post the address here. I will update as we go along, but in the meantime, please join us in praying for Mom, that she will be able to withstand the strong chemo to prepare her body to receive the new bone marrow and not reject it, and that the new bone marrow will not attack her organs and systems and will start making wonderful new blood cells to replace the old.
I will keep you posted!! Thanks for joining us,